Leadership Forum


Here’s a report from some of our students who attended the leadership forum at the start of this term.

On Tuesday the 28th of April, 7 of the year 6/7 students went to Mount Gambier for a GRIP Leadership Conference to learn about being a leader and how to be a good leader at school. We did a few introduction activities before we started other activities.

The first activity was about standing up and making the most of leadership opportunities. We did an activity about the four reasons to stand up, they were stand up when there is an opportunity, stand up for what is right, stand up for others and stand up for yourself. Three times during the day we did an activity with the loud noise boys which were very entertaining.

We did an activity about paying it forward which is to continue on a good deed if someone does a good deed to you. In this activity we were given six situations and had to work out how to pay it forward with time, talent or treasure.

The next activity was about looking for opportunities to lead. We learnt that when looking for an opportunity to lead you have to look and listen every day, ask, decide and do.

After this activity we developed our leadership plan in which we had to pick a priority area, listen, choose an activity and take the next steps. In groups of three or four we made one to use at school. The day ended with a Q&A with the GRIP Leadership team in which students got to ask questions that were answered by the GRIP Leadership team.

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